Thanks for visiting my website. While this is a work in progress, I like to keep a few things here. It’s just easier to point people to a single page instead of bothering them with endless links to podcast platforms, video hosting sites, social media platforms, etc… If you want to see what I’m up to, all of those links are below.


The Mike Faraci Show

This is my personal podcast that allows me to speak directly to mortgage and real estate professionals, content creators, and mortgage professionals that create content.

I nerd out about mortgage and real estate and have also been known to chat about content creation, audio/video gear, and random tech.

Listen on Anchor
Watch on YouTube
Or you can find it on all major podcast platforms

The Fly The Flag Podcast

I co-host this show with mortgage industry veteran Jonny Fowler. We give an insider look into the mortgage and real estate markets. Our no-nonsense approach allows us to break down the headlines, simplify trends, and help mortgage professions navigate the ups and downs of the mortgage industry. This podcast is presented by American Financial Network, Inc.

Listen on Anchor
Watch on YouTube
Or you can find it on all major podcast platforms


What can I say… I love to build! And I’m lucky enough to work for one of the most entrepreneurial companies I’ve ever come across. I’m actively building multiple companies and brands. Below are the ones I can talk about.

Super Loans (NMLS #237341) Super is built to provide great rates and the most efficient mortgage process in the industry to home buyers and homeowners alike. Our secure portal gives you complete control. Fill out your application, upload your own documents, submit everything to an underwriter, lock in your rate, and even ready your loan for closing without having to wait on your lender! Great rates have never been so simple.

Mortgage HQ is the tech platform for the next generation of home buyers and home owners. Not only will this guide you through the most efficient mortgage process you can imagine (think Turbo Tax… but for mortgage), it will also give you a life-long dashboard to track, and make the most out of, your real estate investment.


Some of these links take you to my personal pages… some of them take you to equally awesome brand pages. You’re just gonna have to click them all to find out!


I love educating the next generation of mortgage professionals as much as taking care of the next generation of home owners. Below are a few recent videos from my YouTube channel that might help you out if you’re a mortgage or real estate professional.

I know… EVERYONE is talking about AI and ChatGPT. And they should be!
This may be the most powerful tool available for content creators, regardless of your experience level.

This really does work! And it seems simple, because it is. By focusing on “The First 24,” mortgage loan
originators will be closing loans faster than ever before… Happy borrowers… Happy real estate agents…
What do you have to lose?!

One of the hot-button topics as we head into 2023. The 2-1 Buydown may be one of the most powerful financial tools that has hit the mortgage industry in a handful of years (maybe more). Learn about what they do, why it should be great for your business, and how it will benefit your borrowers.


I honestly didn’t think anyone would be interested, but enough have asked for the info. Below is a link to a complete list of all the audio/video gear I use (plus some other stuff I play around with). I do not benefit if you use any of the links to make a purchase, so shop around and find the best deal you can!

Click Here For Mike’s Gear List


I was going to put my phone number here, but I get so many spam calls these days that I’m never sure when to pick up. Feel free to email me… unless you’re trying to sell me something.